Research Narrative Presents:
The THINKerry

🎧 Episode 6:

Getting the Most Out of: Your Segmentation Study

There’s Something Sexy about Segmentation. 

August 21, 2019

Who are you, and why do (or could) you love us?

It’s a question that marketers often want to understand about their customers. Who are those customers? What are the different types of customers? And what makes them tick?

Segmentation is one of the buzziest methodologies in research – and it’s also one of the trickiest. To begin, there are many types of segmentation – demographic, life stage, behavior, and attitudinal (aka “psychographic” or “mental models”) are just a few that we regularly encounter. How can you best serve your stakeholders with customer or audience segmentation? What type of investment and planning does that require? And how can you avoid overengineering segmentation analysis and compromising actionability of the results?

Join us in this inaugural “Getting the Most Out Of” episode of The THINKerry podcast, as we explore the nuances and considerations of conducting a successful segmentation initiative.


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